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January 2025SMEs face hightened risks from both AI and economoic shocks. FRAICLY can help.
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Construction companies often face challenges like irregular cash flow, the risk of client payment defaults, uncertainty about the solvency of banking partners, and inefficiencies in manual financial/operational processes. FRAICLY addresses these issues with targeted solutions and AI tools:
Non-finance services such as marketing firms, law firms and IT firms often struggle with unpredictable income, delayed payments, vendor reliability issues, and inefficient manual processes. FRAICLY leverages tailored financial manaegement methodologies and AI-driven tools to tackle these challenges effectively:
Manufacturing and other corporate entities face hightened liquidity constraint risks, due to cashflows trapped in receivables, inventory and equipment. Vendor reliability issues and inefficient manual processes also present potential bottlenecks. FRAICLY leverages tailored methodologies and AI-driven tools to tackle these challenges effectively:
Non-finance services such as marketing firms and law firms often struggle with unpredictable income, delayed payments, vendor reliability issues, and inefficient manual processes. FRAICLY leverages tailored methodologies and AI-driven tools to tackle these challenges effectively:
Non-finance services such as marketing firms and law firms often struggle with unpredictable income, delayed payments, vendor reliability issues, and inefficient manual processes. FRAICLY leverages tailored methodologies and AI-driven tools to tackle these challenges effectively:
Non profits are tasked with providing essential services to society, and on limited resources, but heavy on passion and ingenuity, this leads financial resistance as esential to beneficiaries accessing the essential services provided.
Non profits serve disparate types of communites, each with unique needs and requirements. Therefore we approach Non profits with a view towards customising our services specifally to their situation.
Get a free data maturity assesment.
Expore:Identify high leverage areas speciic to your business for AI deployment. High leverage areas are defined by high potential time or cashlow returns and range from routine tasks for automation to decision science.
Gap analysis:Compare and contrast the required data and meta data required vs what is available,and the means to close the gap.
Deffinitions:Full description of the system,human in the loop,functionalities,inputs,outputs and success relative to cash or time returns.
Pilot:Select the appropriate model/algorithm, and develop a pilot for testing with users, for refinement.
Scale:scale the pilot to the real world use.
Parrallel run:Run the AI tool in parrallel with the human process for a predetermined time and samples to ensure efficacy .
Large Language Models such as Chatgpt and Copilot can be integrated into your business prcoesses.
Customer Service:AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants handle customer inquiries, providing instant, context-aware responses.
Sales and Marketing:AI personalizes marketing campaigns, analyzes customer data for targeted promotions, and automates lead generation, enhancing customer engagement.
Document processing:Use AI to process documents such as invoices,sales orders and internal communications.
Leverage AI to optimize decisions, enhance customer engagement, and develop innovative strategies for growth.
FRAICLY provides detailed insights into your financial risk and opportunities, ensuring resilient business relationships and stability.
Credit Risk: FRAICLY provides in depth reports on the finacnial strength of your most integral clients and suppliers, including an assesment if their strategies and market position.
Optimisation: We deliver insights into opportunities for financial optimisation based on agreed benchmarks (strategy) and competitors,with a view towards practical consistent improvement.
We also deliver early warning reporting with respect to funding/liqudity gaps, potential financial and strategic drift driven by inflation and interest rate volatility.
Banking risk: Sustainability reports on banks and other financiers are produced on base interest rate movements and other events.
Expert guidance for confidential M&A, shareholder exits, and other projects aimed at maximising value and streamlining operations to strategic objectives.
We can help you identify the ritght target for your strategy, including identifying and quantifying potenital strategies, and fairly valuing your targets, including financial due dilligence.
We deliver a road map to prepare your business for sale. Ensuring you can extract the greatest value possible for your exit. This includes setting certain benchmarks that are attractive to potential buyers and the mechanisms to reach the benchmarks.
Modernise your finance function to 2025 forward. This goes beyond introducing new systems,but also optimising procedures, refining polciies and fitting the right technology for your specific environment.
Comprehensive economic insights to enhance resilience and drive strategic decision-making tailored to market conditions.
The risk of an incorrect forward strategy, occurs frequently and can be debelitating to small to medium sized consultancies, who either miss opportunities in growth economies by low resource deployment or overextend themselves in contracting economies, Delivering real-time, AI-generated insights to inform strategic planning and prioritize profitable opportunities.
Applying economic and market conditions to your strategy is integral to your success and growth. We provide digestable economic/market reporting customised to your domain and strategy.
We provide reporting on your competitors, their strategies, advantages and shortcomings. This allows you to compete with the advantage of aysnchoronous information.
FRAICLY treats business recovery as a process with milestones.
Follow our humane road map developed at global private equity firms to experience sustained business turnaround.
Determine and deploy marketing strategy
January 2025Liquidity is essential for every business to grow.
February 2025Find and fix strateic and operaional weaknesses.
March - April 2025Buy time by reducing cash outflows.
May 2025Increaseing sales rather than reducing expenses leads to sustained recovery.
Get a free marketing consultation and assesment to discover the gaps in your marketing strategy.